Released at 2019-10-05T08:21:41Z
Added |
Removed |
obs_comCam |
obs_monocam |
Ticket |
Description |
Last Merge |
Branch |
Packages |
A NaN value in a PropertySet can cause an abort when reading WCS |
2019-09-30T18:58:52Z |
main |
Finishing writing the basic version of the PTC task |
2019-09-30T21:11:13Z |
main |
Refactor the Dimensions and query system |
2019-09-24T18:03:46Z |
main |
ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, obs_ctio0m9, meas_base, obs_base |
Foreign key error when running makeButlerRepo.py against Oracle |
2019-10-04T22:46:08Z |
main |
Stop S3-backed butler tests from attempting import/export |
2019-09-26T12:48:45Z |
main |
ip_diffim breaks with numpy 1.17 |
2019-09-24T23:43:22Z |
main |
Investigate newer SQLAlchemy versions |
2019-09-26T21:29:51Z |
main |
Upgrade Jenkins jobs to devtoolset-8 |
2019-09-26T20:52:33Z |
main |
Remove unsupported obs packages from lsst_obs metapackage |
2019-09-23T18:03:37Z |
main |
Remove unneeded dependency on astrometry_net in meas_astrom |
2019-09-24T17:13:34Z |
main |
Create task to add local PhotoCalib and WCS value to source table rows |
2019-09-24T17:43:41Z |
main |
Deal with undefined values in ingest |
2019-09-27T15:03:13Z |
main |
Change background handling defaults in imageDifference.py |
2019-09-25T23:04:15Z |
main |
Investigate coadd/diffim platescale issues |
2019-09-24T17:27:24Z |
main |
Verify multi-Gaussian Sersic approximations in meas_modelfit and MultiProFit |
2019-09-12T23:23:53Z |
main |