Released at 2022-05-12T08:04:18Z
Added |
Removed |
obs_test |
obs_test_data |
Ticket |
Description |
Last Merge |
Branch |
Packages |
Patch the ap_pipe config reset hack |
2022-05-09T17:34:38Z |
main |
ap_verify metrics report 0 completeness after switch to Piff |
2022-05-06T22:44:04Z |
main |
Update ObservationInfo for RFC-836 schema change |
2022-05-09T19:55:53Z |
main |
Define crosstalk tests for cp_verify |
2022-05-10T20:31:37Z |
main |
Change Config File for cpPTC.yaml |
2022-05-09T16:40:05Z |
main |
Add pipetask purge and cleanup subcommands |
2022-05-12T02:59:04Z |
main |
Configure basic healpix support in butler data repositories |
2022-05-05T22:18:08Z |
main |
Butler Registry to ObsCore exporter |
2022-05-06T23:17:48Z |
main |
FGCM breaks when less than 2 visits have seeing values |
2022-05-07T03:04:45Z |
main |
Allow specify the type of size and ellipticities in calcFunctors |
2022-05-11T23:09:03Z |
main |
Fix band list for CoaddPlotFlag & Sn Selectors in coaddQAEllip pipeline |
2022-05-10T16:42:33Z |
main |
Fix y-axis label for visit level E2 difference plots |
2022-05-07T00:34:43Z |
main |
Remove all test dependencies on obs_test, and remove obs_test from lsst_apps |
2022-05-09T20:19:36Z |
main |
Update measurement uncertainties in meas_extensions_trailedSources |
2022-05-06T23:41:03Z |
main |
Move non-generic characterize/calibrate configs out of obs_lsst/config |
2022-05-12T00:44:26Z |
main |
Write afterburner to re-calibrate src tables |
2022-05-10T16:21:38Z |
main |
Set macOS deployment target to 11 on arm Mac |
2022-05-05T15:48:03Z |
main |