Released at 2024-07-18T09:28:39Z
Added |
Removed |
gauss2d |
gauss2d_fit |
modelfit_parameters |
Ticket |
Description |
Last Merge |
Branch |
Packages |
Update legacy imports |
2024-07-16T11:57:47Z |
lsst-dev |
Get amp-to-amp offset pedestals from ISR metadata into Chronograf |
2024-07-18T06:54:00Z |
main |
Fix numpy code that ruff believes will not work with numpy 2 |
2024-07-18T04:37:22Z |
main |
Add error handling to DivideScalar action |
2024-07-17T23:11:31Z |
main |
Revert DM-45023 |
2024-07-17T19:27:14Z |
main |
Fix fiber spectrograph fitting in CpMonochromatorScanTask |
2024-07-15T21:42:19Z |
main |
Fix incompatible dataset type definitions for verifyDefectsIndividualIsrExp and verifyDefectsPostFlatIsrExp |
2024-07-17T17:13:57Z |
main |
Allow specifications of exit codes for which NOT to retry failed HTCondor job. |
2024-07-17T22:43:34Z |
main |
Avoid writing tombstones to Cassandra APDB tables |
2024-07-15T17:44:27Z |
main |
Some tests in drp_tasks GBDes fail if run out of order |
2024-07-15T15:17:55Z |
main |
Remove support for Oracle in Felis |
2024-07-15T17:15:41Z |
main |
Alert Packager tries to compute template kernel where there is no coverage |
2024-07-17T00:04:12Z |
main |
Run pyupgrade on log package |
2024-07-17T20:51:56Z |
main |
Add gauss2d and gauss2dfit to lsst_distrib |
2024-07-16T16:19:08Z |
main |
Read piff v1.3 pkls using piff v1.4 |
2024-07-16T15:52:46Z |
main |
configure ruff/flake8 to lint subaru/decam/cfht configs |
2024-07-16T22:11:25Z |
main |
Add skyCorr frame back to bright stars subtracted calexp |
2024-07-16T02:59:40Z |
main |
Some tests in pipe_tasks set logger level and break other tests |
2024-07-14T18:24:14Z |
main |
Implement improvements to timestamp handling in Felis |
2024-07-16T00:04:12Z |
main |